Hello, my name is Jamila Jones. I was born and raised in Indianapolis, IN. I am a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 2 beautiful little girls. I am the owner and creative baker of MILLF & Cookies. My inspiration behind the name is MOM INSISTED on LIVING LIFE FULFILLED (MILLF). Baking has always been my passion. Around the early 2000's I made desserts for several restaurants in Indianapolis but being a young mother, I had to put it on the back burner to raise my children and work to support my family. I have been baking off and on collectively for over 20 years but in 2020 during the Covid Pandemic I reopened my kitchen and started taking orders consistently. What a great feeling it was to finally get back to doing what I loved and now with all my children grown it was time for me to do the things that I enjoyed and to live life for Jamila. I decided that I needed a change of scenery, so I packed up and drove across country making Las Vegas, NV my new residency. So, Vegas Baby I hope you are ready for the countless palatable pleasures that MILLF & Cookies has to offer which are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.